22. mar. 2009

Why is abbreviation such a long word?

Hello people of the intertubes. This post is gonna be something a little different, something a little random. Something a little awful.

Currently, I'm listening to Savin' Me by Nickelback. A good oldie. However, I'm gonna skip this section more or less today, and move on to something that's been bothering me.

I wasn't originally gonna post something already, but over the past say.. 3 hours, I've been incredibly bored. Obviously, everyone is bored once in a while. Usually though, I don't happen to find myself in that situation. And I'm not just talking slightly waiting for something etc bored, I'm talking really bored. Like, I'll log on to WoW, sit in Dalaran for 10 minutes, and I'll log out. I'll play 10 minutes of CoD, find myself being ganked or just not having all that much fun. So I'll log out, check my mail. Nothing there of course. I'll check Facebook. Nothing new happening. I'll go get something eat, eat it, and then find myself still being hungry, yet not hungry enough to actually get up and get some real food (I'm addicted to cookies and milk), so I'm never really satisfied. After that, I'll play 2 songs on GH. Again I'll find myself being bored, so I'll turn it off. I'll grab my guitar, play a few random chords, trying to improve on my bar chords, fail, and then put it down again. I'll check Mininova for new movies. Nothing there (If you have any movie suggestions, please feel free to share), I'll log on to WoW, stand in Dalaran 10 minutes, log out. I'll go get something to drink, but there's a good chance it's not gonna help my thirst cause I avoid water (It's boring, really). I'll check my mail and facebook again. You might've guessed, nothing interesting.
For next week, I've got 4 papers I need to write. I've already done 3 1/3 of these, yet cannot be bothered to finish the last one. It's for wednesday anyway, I should be okay. Just the thought of it makes me... bored. I got up at 9 today, made all my homework and stuff, thinking that I could spend the rest of the day relaxing. But instead I've walked right into this boredom wall of death and terror. I could go outside. But really, what would I do outside? Playing cowboys and indian isn't exactly my preferred activity. I could run. Admittedly, if I hadn't been playing football yesterday and had practice tomorrow, there's a good chance I would. But I'm not. Instead, I'm continuing to be bored. Eventually the clock'll make its way to 8 and my raid is gonna begin, but until then, I'm gonna remain bored. WoW doesn't even seem that tempting atm. Sure I could go farm some herbs, do a heroic or two, or level my hunter. Yet all these things, with the exception of heroics on my shaman, appeal incredibly boring to me at this point. No one in the guild really wants heroics, and I'm gonna end up bald if I contiune to pug my way forward.

The only thing that actually has kept my busy for more than 10 minutes today has been House. It it, by far, the best television show I've ever seen. It might not have the thrill and excitement the first seasons of Lost/Heroes had, but my God is it consistent. It never fails, and you can watch it over and over again. Perhaps that's one of the major advantages of it really. I don't think I'm gonna stop watching it till I know 20 secs after each episode begins exactly what is wrong with the patient, why they're sick and whatever happened between the team during the episode. I know it's asking a lot, but setting personal goals is the way to achieving stuff. It really, really is.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop it here and continue my routine of boredom. Writing on my blog was a way to get away from it, and it has kept my busy for let's see... 15 minutes! That's a new record for the day I believe. If I end up this way I might get somewhere with my life. No guarentees though.


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