27. feb. 2009

First update!

Oh hai. It's been a whole day since I posted my introductional post, and I'm already back again. There's a few reasons for this. First off, I want to see what it looks like when posting another entry. At first I thought it was gonna "overrule" the first post (That make sense?), but then I realised that'd be stupid. So to prove to myself that everything can be explained with logical sense, I'm posting something!
Also it's friday afternoon now. There's nothing on the schedule for the rest of the day, so I thought why not waste a little time writing about something that no one's ever gonna read or even care about! Actually, I do hope that someone is actually going to read this. Obviously, I'm gonna read it myself to check for spelling mistakes and that sorta stuff (Yes, I'm elitist that way). I know how annoying it can be to read something full of errors, so I r gonna avoid that (See what I did there?)
I don't know, sitting down once in a while and just write whatever comes into your mind can be extremely, fun? Organizing the inside of your brain is a tricky test.
Also, when I wrote my first post yesterday, I was listening to some awesome tracks by Breaking Benjamin, which really kept the blood flowing and the inputs just kept on coming. Now obviously, everything BB releases is up there in quality with cake and so on, but listening to these acoustic performances really is a thrilling and indeed a very satisfying experience. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm gonna rephrase. GOOGLE BREAKING BENJAMIN. No seriously. Do it.

Right, that's the introduction to the first post after the introductional post. Now here's the actual content!
Last time I mentioned Duncor, a wicked americanguy from wcradio.com. On his weekly show with Cadwallion, they always start out by talking about what they've been up to for the past week. Usually, there ain't a whole lot to report (Which is kinda the funny part), but sometimes they actually have something useful to say. I'm gonna try do the same thing.

A couple of days ago, I picked up the first season of Battlestar Galactica. This is a science fiction series, which takes place in a universe far, far away from here. Actually, I've only watched 1 episode so I have no idea about that, but it makes me look clever. Having watched Firefly a couple of weeks ago, I have to say this is a pretty equal experience. Firefly was a somewhat older series, where as this one is relatively new. This is quite easy to spot, which I like. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the nostalgic, but watching movies featuring modern technology is just WAY more exciting than some old shit put together in the 60's. Obviously this is not the way it works, I'm just making my point clear to everyone (Or no one as it probably is =[.)
So anyway back on track. Battlestar Galactica is an awkward experience. There's no real introduction to any of the characters or anything. You just get thrown out there and have to figure it all out by yourself. I hate doing this. Sure, it adds something to the experience that you've gotta be aware of what's going on, but I still get frustrated. I like SOME sort of introduction. Just not like.. whatever.
Also, through the whole first episode I didn't spot even ONE guy laughing, smiling or doing anything in that way. Actually there was this really weird chick who did, I think. But I'm also pretty sure she's one of the bad guys so screw her.
Ahem anyway it's looking pretty good thus far, but I seriously hope it's gonna lighten up in some way, otherwise I'm gonna give up on it pretty quickly I think. So far, I haven't had that feeling of exciment I had with House MD, The first season of Lost, Dexter, first season of Heroes etc yet. I don't know, we'll see. People say that the first episode of every series is pure introduction, but where's the fun in that. I want more. MOAR. More on this topic next time, unless I just forget about and let it fade away into the mist which, frankly speaking, is entirely possible.

So that's about it for now. I guess this post belonged more in the "movie" sorta section than anything really. See, organizing stuff really helps you.. organize!
Stay tuned.

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